IMB merupakan singkatan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan dan merupakan izin yang harus seseorang maupun lembaga urus ketika akan mendirikan sebuah bangunan di lokasi tertentu. Ketika mengajukan IMB, Anda akan memperoleh izin apabila bangunan sudah sesuai dengan desain dan rencana pembangunan.
Saat ini IMB telah digantikan oleh Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung, namun konsultan IMB Jakarta PT Agnia Khassa Arkananta memandang bahwa cukup penting untuk memahami IMB. Ketahui lebih lengkap mengenai Izin Mendirikan Bangunan melalui ulasan berikut ini.
Get to Know Building Permits (IMB)
Building Permit or so-called IMB is a permit granted by the Governmental Regional Head to the owner of the building to build, change, expand, reduce, and/or maintain the building in accordance with administrative requirements and applicable technical requirements.

Buildings that require IMB include residential houses, flats, houses of worship, and office buildings. To take care of the IMB, it is better to do it in advance before the establishment of the building so that there will be no problems with the applicable regulations. However, do not let the timing of the application submission and the construction too far, because the validity period of this IMB is also limited.
Benefits and Functions of IMB
Some legal basis that regulates IMB, among others are Law No. 28 of 2002 on buildings, Law No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning, and PP number 36 of 2005 on The Implementation Regulation of Law Number 28 of 2002 on Building Buildings.
IMB function, which are as a guarantor of building clarity, legal evidence of buildings, become a 'tool' to show control over certain land, increase the price of the house when the owner wants to sell, and facilitate home insurance claims when there is damage.
More about the benefits and functions of IMB are as follows.
Provide maximum legal protection
IMB was issued with the aim of creating a building layout that is safe and in accordance with land purposes. IMB provides maximum legal protection for the building. So when it stands, it won't interfere with the interests of others.
Increase the selling price of a house
Buildings that already have a Building Permit of course have a higher selling value compared with buildings that do not have an IMB. When the IMB is in hand, probability that building becomes a dispute with others becomes smaller.
Could be a bank loan guarantee
IMB will be very useful when you apply for credit with collateral to the bank, because Banks only accept buildings or land that already has a Building Permit.
Facilitate buying and selling or renting houses
The existence of IMB will be very important when buying and selling or renting a house. Homeowners who do not have an IMB could be threatened with a fine of 10 percent of the value of the building, and even the house could be torn down. In addition to buying and selling, IMB is also a mandatory requirement to rent a house.
Mandatory requirement to convert HGB to SHM
Houses with Building Rights (HGB) status, have a lower legal status if we compare with the house with a Certificate of Property Rights (SHM). To improve the legality of land and buildings from HGB to SHM, IMB is one of the requirements.
Legal Basis of IMB
Many rules are the basis of IMB law. One of them is contained in Article 7 and 8 of Law No. 28 of 2002 on Building Buildings which explains that a building must meet administrative and technical requirements in accordance with the functions of building buildings, including building permits.

In addition, the legal basis of IMB is also in Law No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning that discusses the rules on building buildings. Another legal basis, namely Presidential Regulation No. 36 of 2005, which regulates the requirements of buildings. You also need to pay attention to the rules of each region related to IMB, because each region has different regulations.
IMB validity period
As long as the building does not undergo changes in shape, function, or area, there is no need for IMB changes. But if you make changes to the building, either in its form or function, then you need to administer the IMB again.
Who Needs Building Permits?
Any person, entity, institution, company, or organization that will build the building must have an IMB. Not only buildings, but building renovations also require IMB, because renovation is one part of development activities.
Hal ini tercantum dalam Pasal 1 Ayat 5 Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 32 Tahun 2010 tentang Pedoman Pemberian Izin Mendirikan Bangunan. Meski demikian, tidak semua jenis renovasi membutuhkan IMB. Beberapa model renovasi yang membutuhkan IMB, antara lain
- menambah jumlah kamar,
- memperluas ruangan,
- membuat bangunan baru di atas maupun samping,
- dan mengubah struktur bangunan.
How to Create a Building Permit in Indonesia
Many think the IMB management procedure is complicated. But it is not that complicated if all the requirements are complete. Here are the requirements to apply for an IMB and how to apply it.
Getting IMB Requirements
There are several conditions that you must prepare to apply for a new building IMB are as follows.
Administrative Requirements
- IA Permit Application Form for IMB of residence that has been filled out and signed on stamp Rp10,000,-.
- Photocopy of proof of land ownership with the attachment of a statement letter that the land controlled and/or owned is not in dispute.
- Copy of Identity Card as much as one sheet. For incorporated applicants, attach a deed of establishment of the business. If you do not take care of yourself, you must attach a power of attorney to the representative with a photocopy of your ID card.
- Image of building construction of at least seven sets, consisting of floor plan, face, side, back, and utility plan.
- Notice to neighbors whose copy is directly sent to the management of RT and RW and attachment of a letter guaranteeing the ability to handle the impact for buildings whose position is narrowed to the boundary of the parcel.
- Proof of settlement of the latest Land and Buildings Tax (PBB).
- Land use agreement letter, if the land does not belong to the IMB applicant.
- Application form that has gone through the legalization stage of the local village and sub-district.
- Work Order if development with a wholesale system.
- The data of the land investigation results for which has become a requirement.
Technical Requirements
- Images of architectural plans (pictures of floor plans, looks, pieces, and details of buildings), as well as drawings of structural plans (foundations, columns, beams, floors, roofs).
- IPPL technical recommendations and site plan.
- Calculation of building construction made by certified experts (SIPB) for buildings on two floors and / or concrete construction buildings that have a span of more than 10 meters.
- An image of an earlier building if it intended to change the shape or expand the building.
Stages of Obtaining IMB
Jika semua dokumen itu telah lengkap, Anda bisa langsung datang ke kantor Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (BTSP) di masing-masing wilayah. Biasanya butuh waktu sekitar 20-21 hari untuk mengurus atmosfer ini.

If the building is less than 500 square meters in size, you can do the management at the PTSP counter in the sub-district. Next step, you need to fill out the land measurement submission form.
About a week later, a ground gauge will come, to measure the ground while making a picture of the house plan. Drawing the floor plan into a blueprint will be the basis for the creation of an IMB.
IMB is required for each building as proof that the building is legal to build. IMB management can be done in the BTSP office of each sub-district by bringing the necessary documents.
PT Agnia Khassa Arkananta is a licensing consultant who can help all IMB management of your building and home. Contact us at for your IMB mail management right now.